Understand what they are and the role of certifications in products that will be marketed internationally

When it comes to exporting a product to another country, a series of requirements are part of the process and among them are foreign trade certifications.

In addition to other documents, rules and procedures, certifications are required in some negotiations and can be the differential between final product consumption or not by customers.

The foreign trade market is demanding. And the certifications serve as a kind of “certificate” that tells the global market that that company follows the best practices in a given activity, defined by the organization behind the award of the seal.

What are certifications in foreign trade

Certifications in foreign trade are documents that show the consumer – and the actors involved in the internationalization process, the buyers, intermediaries – that the company that owns them has fulfilled a series of requirements to obtain them.

These requirements vary depending on the type of product and segment. But, in the vast majority of cases, they concern the standards of production, storage and marketing of products.

Certifications can be issued by civil society organizations or public institutions. Some are mandatory and can make foreign trade unfeasible if ignored.

Others, in turn, are optional – but they undoubtedly weigh when deciding who will import and place your product on the market.

Different segments and certifications

Certifications vary completely from one segment to another.

The documents certify that that product follows that recommended standard and, many times, that certification will become a seal that will stamp the product.

In the case of food products, for example, we have some important ones such as FairTrade, Gluten-Free, NonGMo.


Fairtrade is a global movement that means fair trade. The fairtrade certification strong > is granted by Fairtrade International and certifies that the product being marketed was produced following fair trade principles.

Each member of the production chain (from producers to traders) has specific rules that must be followed to obtain this certification in foreign trade and the fairtrade seal. Producers and traders from more than 115 countries participate in the network.

Non-GMO Project 

The Non-GMO Project seal verifies that the product is free of GM ingredients.

Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) 

It was designed to protect consumers with gluten-related disorders, confirming that a product meets strict gluten-free safety standards that can be sold worldwide.

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