Find out how to plan your internationalization process with B21

With the suspension of many businesses due to the new coronavirus pandemic, it is time to stop and plan. Plan the execution of your internationalization so that the export has more chance of success and brings more results for your company.

It is essential to think each step, organize your business and adapt everything you need so that, when our routine returns to normal, you are ready to start exporting.

Internationalization plan

And the first step in good export planning is the creation of a internationalization plan.

The elaboration of the internationalization plan is a set of our actions, from B21, with the client. A medium-term project that lasts, on average, 6 months.

Together we will evaluate the company, develop the strategy, prepare the business and product to reach the international market.

Suitability for export

There are several necessary adjustments that will be identified in the plan.

Adaptations in relation to the internal team for new routines that will emerge with the process and adjustments in the product or service for the selected markets based on consistent market research, for example. & nbsp;

For a good export process, it is necessary to check the capacity of the production company and consult tariff and non-tariff barriers.

The price of the product after the whole process needs to be competitive and this is all verified in the creation of the internationalization plan.

Market choice

The choice of the target market is also part of the export planning process. You need to understand where your business fits best and will be best received. After all, you don’t want it left on the shelves, do you?

Next week we will talk about the suitability of packaging for export. & nbsp;

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