Take the B21 test and understand what stage your company is on the export path

Exporting a product or service is not an easy task and understanding if your company has sufficient maturity for the process is essential to guarantee the success of internationalization. There are several issues important and that should be evaluated by the management team.

The entire team needs to understand whether the company is on the right path to internationalize and at what level of maturity it is. Even if the internationalization process is already underway, it is important to make a plan for the best optimization of available resources and to obtain more effective results, without wasting resources or time.

Click here to take your company’s maturity test


When this process is still slow, internationalization will take the company to another level of quality and competitiveness. The international market is very demanding and the company must be prepared to meet requirements logistics, products and services and also obtain certifications.

And if no steps have yet been taken because the company has not yet managed to create routines that would allow for an international insertion, the internationalization process will start from scratch. This process requires dedication and time, so the experience of the professionals will be a differential to reduce costs and minimize errors.

Points assessed

Strategic planning in order to import or export, allocation of resources and personnel for the process of internationalization, participation in fairs or missions & nbsp; international and & nbsp; productive capacity of the company are among the issues to be evaluated in the company’s maturity process.

Regardless of the phase your company is in, the program internationalization is the kick to identify the best path.

To assist you in this assessment, B21 created an export maturity test. Are we going to test your company’s maturity? Just access the link below and take your company’s maturity test. And then tell us your result here!

Click here to take your company’s maturity test

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