Planning and execution need to go hand in hand for the success of an export project

Everyone wants a way to profit more from their business and, with the current globalization, export is already a way chosen by many entrepreneurs to profit more from their products and services. But, to export your product successfully you need to follow a series of steps and steps.

Hoy, la especialista en Comercio Exterior y Derecho Internacional en B21, Anna Bastos, enseñará 6 pasos para una exportación exitosa.

Step 1 – Analyze your company and the market you want to reach

Make a complete assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, the famous SWOT analysis. Understand what you need to improve and what risks your business can bring to an international expansion.

Knowing your home well, you also need to analyze the target market you have chosen. Language, legislation, population … There are several important aspects to observe.

Step 2 – Know the legal aspects

Each country has its legal requirements and you need to adapt to all of them in order to successfully export your product.

Pay attention to documents, specific laws and other market requirements such as certifications, for example.

You will also need to check: the company’s legal relationships; documentation for possible mergers and acquisitions; regularization of legal, administrative and tax issues; confidentiality clauses.

Step 3 – Identify the main challenges and risks

Planning and anticipating difficulties makes them easier to solve and with less damage.

There are several challenges in an export process and you need to see which ones will be punctual in your project.

Among them, there is an absence of qualified labor; resistance of local residents in the country with the new foreign product; resistance of current employees in the necessary adjustments for export; capacity to increase production; cultural and language aspects for packaging and advertising; difficulty in accessing credit abroad.

Step 4 – Plan strategically

With clear objectives, it is necessary to point out the fronts of action and the action plan that will be adopted, with details and clarity.

At this point, three fronts need to be punctuated: the mode of operation, the definition of the markets and the strategy of penetrating these markets.

This means that you will need to point out in detail what activities will be carried out, the products that will be offered and the investment needed to put the plan into practice.

In addition, you will need to define the markets with their advantages and challenges, criteria used for choice and needs pointed out to enter each one.

Finally, the planning and schedule of entry into each market, with the options of business partners and contacts.

Step 5 – Follow companies that have already been successful in this journey

We call benchmarking this process of evaluating the best practices adopted by companies – similar, in the same industry or not – that have already been successful in the chosen business model.

This qualified observation will help to understand how the execution path works, the difficulties, positive and negative aspects.translations

Step 6 – Prepare your company for export

Here internationalization really begins, the practical part of exporting a product begins. And there are several challenges and adjustments needed at that time.

The quality standard abroad is different from the Brazilian one and many things will need to change.

Work method, use of raw material within the quality standards, compliance with requirements and certifications, suitability of packaging and advertising materials.

The preparation of the company involves everything necessary to monitor the processes and evaluate the results.

“There are several benefits to the internationalization of a product. Brazil today has several incentives for exports, but they will only be used if there is careful planning and execution ”, explains Anna Bastos.

B21 specializes in preparing companies to export products. We take care of the internationalization of planning after sales.

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