Internationalization of products can generate a series of advantages and improvements for your business

Making an international company is not easy. The internationalization process has several phases and requires a complete work by the company, but it has a number of advantages. Find out in this post the benefits of exporting for your business.

The first benefit is the expansion of the business and an increase in turnover . But it is still possible to obtain other benefits from exports, as explained by the specialist in Foreign Trade and International Law at B21, Anna Bastos.

Increased productivity

When you increase production to meet new demands and export products, there is a consequent reduction in fixed costs and idle capacity. This increases the company’s productivity.

Reducing dependence on the internal market

When there are sales and profitability options outside the country, the instabilities and fluctuations in the domestic market are no longer as impacting

Thus, the more diversified the customer portfolio, the greater the chance of success with the business.

Government incentives

Brazil has a series of incentives for the entrepreneur to export his products. Some of them are the Advances on Foreign Exchange Contracts (ACC) and the Advances on Foreign Exchange Contracts (ACE) programs. Through them, companies that transport products can raise funds at international interest rates lower than those practiced in Brazil.

In addition, there is also a reduction in tariffs for the exporter and differentiated taxation. Exports are tax-free such as: ICMS, IPI, PIS, COFINS and if you have purchased inputs at this tax cost, your industry generates tax credit

Strengthening the company’s image

The recognition of the public and the customer is extremely important for the brands and the exporter conveys a positive idea that they work with quality and have international recognition.

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